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Transcript from 1st Trial

Alexander Harold Winter, sworn


Examination-in-Chief by Mr Nuttall


Cross-examination by Mr Humphries


Q: Was there actually then an investigation into the defendant’s complaints or not?

A: I think there was. I think somebody came down and watched how the office was and everything, but I don’t think it was investigated thoroughly. I think that was it.

Q: Well, were you aware of any disciplinary investigation into you?

A: No. 



Transcript from 2nd Trial



Examined by MR. NUTTALL


Q. Were you aware of any difficulties with Stephen Kay?

A. Erm, I became aware of difficulties with Stephen Kay because there was an harassment case going on between two other people in the work place and I think Stephen Kay was called as a witness to that harassment case and he basically, he ranted on about me and another lady in work for twenty minutes saying that we were bullying and harassing him. That’s - - so after that when my manager told me that was the first time I’d heard about any trouble with Stephen Kay.


Q. Now I’m going to ask you two questions. Let me deal with the first one. You heard that he was making allegations of harassment?

A. Yes.


Q. Bullying?

A. Yes.


Q. From you?

A. About, about me and another lady.


Q. About you and another lady?

A. Yeah.


Q. First of all, was that true?

A. No, no.


Q. The next question I have is, what did the Post Office do about that at that time?

A. The Post Office brought in I think a listener or it was investigated thoroughly and there was no case to answer, but no, nothing came of it.

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